Saturday, February 19, 2011

Homemade Hair and Beauty Products

Hair and beauty supplies can get pretty expensive but we all want to look our best, right? So what do you do when you're low on cash but still want to turn heads with your stunning locks? Why not try some home beauty remedies? They're quick, easy and best of all, you'll have most of the ingredients in your kitchen. Check 'em out!

Tomatoes and Your Hair

Many things can affect the tone and smell of your hair. Whether it's a green hue from too much chlorine or an overpowering stench from a run-in with a skunk, there's one thing that will have your hair good as new in a matter of minutes - Tomatoes. You can apply tomatoes to your hair in a variety of ways, tomato paste, sauce or even tomato juice should work wonders. The acidity in the tomatoes helps to balance the Ph levels in your hair, bringing back its natural color and smell!

Lemons, Chamomile and Your Hair

Rinsing your hair with a mixture of water and lemon juice can help to lighten your hair color. This works best on already light hair (light brown and blonde) and can be enhanced if you leave the mixture in your hair and then head out into the sun. Do not do this if you are worried about your hair going really light though! You can produce a similar effect by rinsing your hair with freshly brewed chamomile tea - just make sure it's cooled down before pouring it onto your scalp.

Coffee and Your Hair

To give brown hair a warmer glow, brew one strong cup of espresso and let cool completely. Pour the coffee onto dry hair and leave it on for 20 minutes. Now rinse it out. Your hair should shine and glow like never before.
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